
As Orthodox Christians, we are all called upon to be worthy stewards of the manifold blessings which our Heavenly Father has bestowed upon us. The very concept of Stewardship is based upon our thankfulness toward God. How do you feel when you have generously offered a gift to someone, and they respond not by thanking you, but by thoughtlessly wasting that gift? How then, should our Lord feel, after all He has given us, when He sees our own level of thanks? What percentage of ourselves and our treasures would we offer to the work of the Church? Well, what percentage did our Lord offer of Himself for each of us while hanging, in pain, suffering and insult, upon the cross. Being a good steward involves much more than one’s monetary contributions to the Church. Stewardship involves the totality of one’s life and resources, both physical and spiritual. As we attempt to make the proper offering to God, we pray that He be merciful unto us and guide us to truly love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and to love our neighbor as ourself. (Matthew 22:37-39)


Behold, how good and pleasant it is
when brothers dwell in unity!
Psalm 133:1

How Do I Become a Steward?

Become a Steward of St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church by completing your Pledge Card and returning it to our Church Office. Additional information about Stewardship follows bellow and if you have any questions, please feel free to call our Church Office. 

Time, Talent & Treasure

Stewardship asks each of us to commit our time, talent, and treasure in fulfilling the mission of Christ and His church. 

In the Gospel of Saint Matthew (6:19), Jesus instructs us, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal….” Often in life, we pursue and collect those things that do not last. We must ask, “One hundred years from now, where will our possessions be?”

Our greatest blessing is our family. As Orthodox Christians, we are called to be stewards of this great gift. If we are faithful to this calling, perhaps our Lord will say to us as he did to the faithful steward, “Well done good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).

Christian Stewardship is...

…learning how to be a responsible and concerned caretaker of Christ’s Church; it is learning how to enjoy Church life and be happy in Church work., for in Her dwells the fullness of the Spirit of God.

…our active commitment to use all our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love.

…caring for the needs of others.

…offering one’s self to God as He offered Himself to us.

…what a person does after saying “I believe…”, as proof of that belief.

…devotion and service to God and His Church as people, as families, as diocese/metropolis, as national Church and as Church universal.

And He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the multitude putting money into the treasury.  Many rich people put in large sums.  And a poor widow came, and put in two copper coins, which make a penny.  And He called His disciples to Him, and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury."
Mark 12:41-43


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a member of the parish? Membership in the Orthodox Church begins at baptism (Chrismation for some) and continues throughout our life. We are united with Christ through the sacraments, or mysteries, of the Church and through our faithful offering of our entire selves to Jesus Christ. Our Archdiocese requires each parish to distinguish between voting members and non-voting members. A voting member is over 18 years of age and turns in a signed stewardship commitment card, committing a portion of time, talent and treasure to the Church. The Archdiocese also requires the voting member to remain current through the year on their commitments. Keep in mind that true membership in the Body of Christ involves living according to His word and within His Church. Become a Steward today by completing your Pledge Card files/2025-Stewardship-Commitment6.pdf (1158kb)and returning it to the Church Office.

Why must I commit to give a specific amount? Please keep in mind that your stewardship of money is kept in the strictest of confidence. However, we do compile the amounts anticipated to better plan our budget.

What if I cannot fulfill my stewardship commitment? During the course of a year, circumstances change. Your stewardship is valued because it is made out of your love for God and His Church. Please do not be concerned if you are unable to meet your stewardship commitment, we will adjust the commitment to your financial abilities. In the end, we are glad that you are part of this ministry.

Lord, thank You for the gift of this day. Help me to truly appreciate this day as a gift that I have been given, rather than something I am entitled to. Inspire me to give generously of my time, to spend time in prayer and in scripture reading, to spend time helping someone today, to spend time encouraging someone else. Help me to give consistently and with joy. Help me to stay present and not be distracted as I offer myself to help others. Amen.
Fr. Stavros Akrotirianakis


Saint Paul's Greek Orthodox Church

14 West Anderson St. Savannah, Georgia 31401
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 am — 2:00 pm
Tel. (912) 236-8256 Fax. (912) 236-7321

Presiding Priest: Rev. Fr. Thomas (Tom) Guerry
Priest Emeritus, Fr. John Caparisos


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